Sunday, May 23, 2010

What do you think about letting teenagers have a myspace account?

I have 1 and I am 29, but when I surf I see all kinds of 14, 15, 16 and 17 year olds that have them, and I think to myself, do their parents know? They have nasty pics, comments and so on, that surely their parents wouldn't allow.
What do you think about letting teenagers have a myspace account?
I am in my mid-20s, and the sight of the MySpace pages created by teenagers worries me, too. I don't think those teens realize the effect and potential repercussions their "nasty" pics have on people who may be viewing their profiles. I really think teens shouldn't create these online profiles. They should limit their socializing to in-person interactions with their neighborhood and school friends....

BC, the asker wrote that she has a MySpace profile, not that she has a child.
Reply:as long as their parents know about it, it should be fine.......
Reply:If you have a teen and you are 29 then you know what kind of trouble kids can get into these days on the internet.

Having a computer in a room where you can see the screen, having your teens passwords, and including yourself on their "friends" list can help you monitor their myspace account.

"Measured trust"
Reply:I have 1 and im 12 it's ok
Reply:I'm sorry but did you really need to ask this question? You already gave yourself the answer. Personally I agree with J W's answer.

*points below for best answer*
Reply:Teenagers should have to put a parent's email when setting up their myspace and then the parent could regularly check the content
Reply:No there parents probably wouldn't condone it, but there is really nothing parents can do....Kids will always find a way to get on it..
Reply:I am an elementary school teacher and you'd be suprised how many of our 5th graders have borderline inappropriate pages-I don't have any kids myself(yet) but I feel that parents need to take an active role in there teenagers lives. Having a myspace page advertising there lives and photos is not they don't need to actively expose themselves to all the junk thats on there. I would personally not approve of mine having one....

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