Saturday, November 7, 2009

How would you account for Hitler’s amazing success during the early years of the war?

he had a force larger, harder trained, more prepared, and with ethical motives pushing them (they wanted to restore germany to its former glory that was taken away by the allied forces by the versailles treaty) so they were better suited for war than the other countries fighting them.
How would you account for Hitler’s amazing success during the early years of the war?
Hitler had built the German armed forces into the most modern in the world, in tactics and equipment in the years leading to the war. Most countries in Europe relied on obselete tactics and outdated equipment.

Poland relied heavily on horse-mounted cavalry to face German armour, (tanks), which attacked in numbers. They were supported by aircraft, including dive bombers, which caused havoc, especially behind the lines.

France relied too heavily on the fortified border defence known as the Maginot Line. Hitler merely outflanked it and defeated France in a matter of months.

His general tactics were referred to as Blitzkrieg, (lightning war), because of the speedy advances, the tactic relied and ultimately failed on speed more than anything else.

He attacked Russia in 1941, and after initial stunning successes, the winter came early and was the worst on record. The front line was hundreds of miles ahead of the troops at the rear, along a front thousands of kilometres long. Basically speedy advances had been the undoing of the German advance. They got too far ahead of their vital supplies, (food, fuel, equipment). His troops froze in their summer uniforms and the advance ground to a halt.

In basic terms, the rest of the war was a slow defeat after that.

Hope this helps.

Je Suis, I apologise if I offended you or anyone else. I was merely describing the military aspects, as the question required. Hitler was evil personified and no logical person can deny that. But I was merely stating facts, not trying to glorify Hitler or his politics.
Reply:His "success" to the fact that he used his anger and took out on innocent race that had nothing to do with his life's failures one is multiply apply to art school and continuously got turned down.I wouldn't say he was successful since he and his wife committed suicide after he lost the war (World War II to exact)He pretty much all around lost and only had success due to the fact he was a relentless murder!
Reply:im not sure what you mean

but at the beginnign of his rule

he used peoples fears against them

he revealed their fears and used them as his strength

people were afraid of communists and such so he said he would help them and help their feas to not become a reality

people supported him

and his success grew and grew and his power came with it
Reply:Great speaker. Whether you like what he said or not, he could motivate people. I mean, enough to make them kill millions of people with no hesitations. That's remarkable. Completely insane and outrageous, but remarkable nonetheless.
Reply:Promises in a dismal situation and a driven passion to succeed.
Reply:Good equipment, well-trained troops, and competent generals.
name naming

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