Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How many violation notices does Yahoo send you before your account is suspended?

I recieved my first one today because apparently one of my questions last night was percieved by someone as 'chatting and private correspondence'.

I recived 29 answers and I wish I had had the chance to read them all before it was deleted.
How many violation notices does Yahoo send you before your account is suspended?
oh my gosh!!! I asked a question bout dat ****** bastard who insulted me for being a muslim!!! I had 10 answers, i only read 2, and i wish i could read the others to see wot they think bout that piece of ****!!!!

i swear he reported us both!!!

dont worry, ur account aint gona get suspended coz i got 12 violation notices so far!!!
Reply:I just got one yesterday as well for asking if anybody wanted to chat because I was bored. I didn't realize you couldn't do that. I would go into a chat room but nobody really talk in there and when they do its usually sex talk.
Reply:yes but do they have to delete it only if any 1 report u ??by the name of god what is that
Reply:I don't know but I'm surprised they did something because I've seen some pretty bad stuff here that I wish they'd do something about instead. That sounds like a silly reason for deleting.
Reply:o well....well i received a few, but i don't know how much u need for deletion.
Reply:I reported people but only for racism.

Obvious, bad exagetrated racism, and not racism against myself.

Racism is not right.

Otherwise, I realy don't care.
Reply:I wouldn't worry ..they won't suspend your account.

I replied to your question from yesterday saying that you're a wonderful person and not to listen to the morons in here. I deal with them everyday, sometimes I get to the point where I want to give up..but I'm not going to give them the satisfaction..

Reply:Don't know, never been warned or suspended.
Reply:Don't know but I received a warning because somebody thought my answer was insulting. Yahoo has also censored my 360 blog for showing some NON pornographic pictures they didn't like. They put these frowny faces in place of the pictures. I have had a Blogger account for years and they haven't done that once, neither does MSN spaces.
Reply:I had the same thing happen for chatting, as if i knew what that meant. Stupid violation i think but i'm curious on the answer you get here because i can't find any info on it.
Reply:I don't think it's possible to actually get your Yahoo! Answers account suspended. Yes, that bothers me too, not being able to read the rest of the answers given to your question...Heh, kind of makes me curious too.
Reply:ask touzour : he's the king of violation
Reply:I was deleted without a single warning once. I must have pissed a lot of people off. Depends on your offense, I guess.
Reply:REPORTED!!!!! pointless question................................... just messin...some people on here report you for the smallest things...dont worry.there just small minded idiots..we all have a right to our opinions and questions,but they think this site is just for them...ive had 10 violations so far...makes me laugh....have fun and dont worry bout the violation notices!!!!

Reply:Just an excuse to hide the truth.Shameful disloyal paki.

and dont fret about my suspension. I've got the whole office on an anti-paki drive. You just wait for more exposes.

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