Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can you become a Runescape member if you bought the account from a friend?

My friend quit playing Runescape, He sold me his account for 40 dollars. I wanted to make the account a member. I am afraid that Jagex will catch me if I use a different Credit Card and Iformation than he did when he was a member. Can Anyone Help?
Can you become a Runescape member if you bought the account from a friend?
According to Jagex, they can detect whether you are using someone elses account. You can try but eventually they will findout.
Reply:if it does catch u i don't think they can ban Ur i.p so it could work and if u have contact with him/her u could ask them for some help on setting it up and it cant do anything if u use another card because the person that had it could have changed the card
Reply:yes it will be fine. my mom got a new credit card so i had to click on "start a new subscription" and put it the new credit card number. so if anything, they will just think ur parent got a new credit card.
Reply:I CAN HELP!!! : )

Reply:just use a differnt credit card. ive done it before
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